Wednesday, March 12 2025

Only 5 more days! Seriously! You can’t imagine how time has flown by!
It feels like a few weeks ago that I booked my ticket to start my world trip, but apparently 3,5 months have past.. And now the time has come: I’m leaving for Bangkok on Tuesday!

The past weeks have been massively hectic, saying goodbye to everyone, having parties and dinners and drinks and whatever else we could think of.. I barely had time to actually think about my upcoming adventure..

Today, after a lot of procrastinating, I finally booked a hostel for Bangkok. Not a necessity to do that upfront, but just relaxed to be able to get off a plane and know where you need to go first..

So for my first two nights, I will be staying at the Bodega Hostel (look it up if you like), trying to think of cool things to do next. I reckon there will be plenty of ideas!

For now, I just have to focus on one more day of “work” (the word doesn’t really apply anymore) and saying goodbye to a lot more people.. going out to dinner a few more times.. and then the biggest hurdle of all: packing my bags.. That will probably take me all day Monday.. no problem though, I have all the time in the world 😉


In all honesty…


Hobbiton movie set in New Zealand has houses my size!

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